Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Conversation | It’s Like Riding a Bike with TJ Dawe
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
The Seths spend some time talking with our friend TJ Dawe [Type 4]. TJ is a writer, performer, director, and instructor. T.J. tells stories on stage and incorporates the enneagram into his work, helping others tell their stories on stage. Given our season’s theme of “story,” T.J. has some profound and winsome insight to help us tell our own stories.
3:45 T.J. Happens upon the enneagram
5:25 What he’s learned from helping others tell their stories.
7:35 T.J.s pro tips for telling your story well
9:15 The importance of courage in telling your story.
11:05 T.J.’s most vulnerable story and how others relate to it
15:45 The importance of art in telling our stories
20:10 T.J.s suggestions for exploring your story
22:15 A taste of TJ’s amazing storytelling.
Follow TJ’s work at: www.tjdawe.ca
Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast: “Discovering our inner depths, one fathom at a time.”
Co-hosts: Seth Abram, Seth Creekmore, Drew Moser
Production/Editing: Seth Creekmore
- Follow us on Instagram: @fathoms.enneagram
- Follow Abram: @integratedenneagram
- Follow Creek: @creekmoremusic
- Follow Drew: @typetrailenneagram
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Conversation | Accepting vs Condoning
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Now that we’re well into Season 3 of this show, we wanted to have a conversation about our podcast.
1:00 Our choice to include a wide array of enneagram voices
3:05 How the theme of story impacts the way we welcome guests to the show
8:30 The boundaries we keep
9:35 James P. Carse - Finite and Infinite Games
13:25 *Knowing* the enneagram vs. the process of becoming
16:45 Riffing on coping
19:20 Philosopher Peter Rollins on how we engage “the other”
21:00 Accepting vs. condoning
Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast: “Discovering our inner depths, one fathom at a time.”
Co-hosts: Seth Abram, Seth Creekmore, Drew Moser
Production/Editing: Seth Creekmore
- Follow us on Instagram: @fathoms.enneagram
- Follow Abram: @integratedenneagram
- Follow Creek: @creekmoremusic
- Follow Drew: @typetrailenneagram
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Interview | The Story of You with Ian Morgan Cron
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Today we get to spend some time with Ian Morgan Cron. You probably recognize Ian as co-author of The Road Back to You or host of the Typology podcast. We talk about his new book, The Story of You, the implications of the enneagram becoming “popular” and much more.
4:00 What led Ian to move to Nashville [aka his “punk move”]
6:45 Ian’s enneagram origin story
8:50 Ian’s experience as an “enneagram influencer” in Christianity
11:30 Ian’s take on the current surge of enneagram popularity
14:15 Lightning round with Ian!
19:50 How Ian’s new book is different from others out there
23:30 “Do you ever wonder if you’re living in the wrong story?”
26:50 What supports us in childhood thwarts us in adulthood
31:00 S.O.A.R. [See. Own. Awaken. Rewrite.]
39:15 Agere Contra [“acting against”]
44:45 An example of S.O.A.R. in Ian’s life
47:20 How to find yourself in a larger story
*Follow Ian online at www.ianmorgancron.com
*The Story of You is now available wherever books are sold.
Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast: “Discovering our inner depths, one fathom at a time.”
Co-hosts: Seth Abram, Seth Creekmore, Drew Moser
Production/Editing: Seth Creekmore
- Follow us on Instagram: @fathoms.enneagram
- Follow Abram: @integratedenneagram
- Follow Creek: @creekmoremusic
- Follow Drew: @typetrailenneagram
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Conversation | Fiction. Memoir. Nonfiction. with Lee Fields
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Today we’re joined by our good friend and returning guest, Lee Fields. Lee is a kind and brilliant soul, and helped us facilitate a fascinating conversation on the stories we live in the framework of fiction, memoir, and non-fiction.
2:20 Creek gives us all a pumpkin spiced latte update!
5:00 Lee on how temperament and personality develop the stories we hold
6:30 The brain as a pattern-finding machine
10:15 Fiction. Memoir. Non-fiction.
11:30 How fiction, memoir, and non-fiction show up in the lives of Lee [Type 1] and Drew [Type 3]
16:15 Creek talks to his housemate about ghosts [and about Type 4 and these matters]
19:00 Story and somatic responses
22:00 Fiction, memoir, and non-fiction in Abram’s life
24:00 Moving from fiction to memoir to non-fiction
27:00 The untold stories we carry
29:26 The 9 different ways we’re striving to *feel* a certain way
37:00 An exercise from Lee to name our relationship with our stories. “I am…” // “I have to be…”
Get in touch with Lee via instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enneagrammatic/
Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast: “Discovering our inner depths, one fathom at a time.”
Co-hosts: Seth Abram, Seth Creekmore, Drew Moser
Production/Editing: Seth Creekmore
- Follow us on Instagram: @fathoms.enneagram
- Follow Abram: @integratedenneagram
- Follow Creek: @creekmoremusic
- Follow Drew: @typetrailenneagram
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Conversation | The Enneagram of Traps
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
This was a fun, free-wheeling conversation on one of the lesser known foundational pieces to the modern enneagram: Oscar Ichazo’s Enneagram of Traps. The Traps are the ways each type falls into as a mistaken remedy to [attempt to] overcome the type’s mental fixation. Inspired by Abram’s Instagram series on the traps [@integratedenneagram] we riff on the fixations, the holy ideas, and how the traps try (and fail) to reconcile them.
2:00 The history of the enneagram of traps
3:58 The mental FIXATIONS of our types
3:55 The HOLY IDEA as the true way to alleviate the fixation
5:24 Mario Sikora’s take on phenomenology vs. ontology
6:55 Traps as maladaptive patterns
8:10 Why Creek drinks pumpkin spice lattes
9:45 The traps for each type
28:30 How to begin to identify fallen into our traps
29:50 How the traps impact our stories
30:30 “We are walking metaphors living out a story that our whole body believes.” - Tom Condon
32:00 Resources on the Traps: Transpersonal Psychologies by Ichazo, Sandra Maitri’s Enneagram of Spirituality, and Patrick O’Leary’s The Enneagram
32:15 Buy Creek a pumpkin spiced latte! Venmo: @Seth-Creekmore
Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast: “Discovering our inner depths, one fathom at a time.”
Co-hosts: Seth Abram, Seth Creekmore, Drew Moser
Production/Editing: Seth Creekmore
- Follow us on Instagram: @fathoms.enneagram
- Follow Abram: @integratedenneagram
- Follow Creek: @creekmoremusic
- Follow Drew: @typetrailenneagram
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Interview | Waking Up to Our Shadow with Beatrice Chestnut
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
In this week’s episode, we have the privilege of talking with the one and only Beatrice Chestnut. Beatrice joined us to talk about her new book with Uranio Paes, The Enneagram Guide to Waking Up. But, the conversation doesn’t stop there. We get to know Beatrice beyond her enneagram teaching and writing, and the result was a fun and meaningful conversation.
6:10 - Beatrice’s thoughts on the enneagram and our stories
7:40 - Getting to know Beatrice [hobbies, interests, TV shows]
14:10 - The inspiration behind her new book
17:45 - Her experience co writing with Uranio Paes
19:30 - How her perspectives shifted since she wrote her earlier books
21:00 - How to engage the book
22:10 - “Falling asleep” and “waking up”
25:15 - How do we know we’re awake?
28:20 - The path before each type
33:00 - How Beatrice approaching coaching with the enneagram
38:00 - The Enneagram and Dante’s Divine Comedy as a map of process
40:00 - The dangers of over-pathologizing Type 4s
43:00 - Beatrice’s approach to the subtypes
53:00 - The shadows of the subtypes
59:05 - Beatrice talks about the shadows of our subtypes [Abram: SX9 // Creek: SP4 // Drew: SP3]
1:11:35 - How to follow Beatrice’s work
Follow Beatrice: cpenneagram.com // beatricechestnut.com
The Enneagram Guide to Waking Up
Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast: “Discovering our inner depths, one fathom at a time.”
Co-hosts: Seth Abram, Seth Creekmore, Drew Moser
Production/Editing: Seth Creekmore
- Follow us on Instagram: @fathoms.enneagram
- Follow Abram: @integratedenneagram
- Follow Creek: @creekmoremusic
- Follow Drew: @typetrailenneagram
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Interview | Polarities of Type with Dr. Jerry Wagner
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
The one, the only Dr. Jerome Wagner joins us for a conversation on the polarities of the enneagram types. Jerome brings some unique wisdom that he was kind enough to share. His four R’s are brilliant and helpful. Jerry’s books and teachings have been so foundational to the enneagram community that he was named an “Honorary Founder of the International Enneagram Association.” Enjoy this conversation.
4:50 - Who is Dr. Jerry Wagner?
6:40 - Jerry’s introduction to the enneagram [in the early ‘70s!] and his enneagram-focused dissertation
9:08 - Jerry’s enneagram elevator pitch
10:15 - Jerry’s experience as a Type 5
12:10 - Integrating Polarities [the 4 R’s: recognize, re-frame, re-own, re-cycle]
21:00 - Examples of how the polarities work by type
1:00:00 - Toxic positivity vs. toxic negativity
1:02:15 - How polarities help us with typing
1:04:00 - Exercises to explore polarities
1:07:00 - A parting word from Jerry
Follow Dr. Wagner’s work [articles, books, trainings, etc.} at: www.enneagramspectrum.com
Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast: “Discovering our inner depths, one fathom at a time.”
Co-hosts: Seth Abram, Seth Creekmore, Drew Moser
Production/Editing: Seth Creekmore
- Follow us on Instagram: @fathoms.enneagram
- Follow Abram: @integratedenneagram
- Follow Creek: @creekmoremusic
- Follow Drew: @typetrailenneagram
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Fathom 15 | Google Q‘s: What’s the Rarest Enneagram Type?
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Welcome to another short episode where we answer one of the most googled enneagram questions: What’s the rarest enneagram type?
2:00 - Creek makes his case for the Type 4, and Abram thinks 9s and 4s are the ones asking the question
5:30 - Is it empirically possibly to know this?
6:30 - Raises the question: What’s the most common type?
7:30 - A theory about 3s, 6s, 9s
8:50 - Why do people want to know this?
10:00 - The deeply human need to be unique.
11:00 - Nature vs. nurture
11:30 - The types we have the most of in our lives (and the least)
14:25 - Harmony triads/object relations as social groups
Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast: “Discovering our inner depths, one fathom at a time.”
Co-hosts: Seth Abram, Seth Creekmore, Drew Moser
Production/Editing: Seth Creekmore
- Follow us on Instagram: @fathoms.enneagram
- Follow Abram: @integratedenneagram
- Follow Creek: @creekmoremusic
- Follow Drew: @typetrailenneagram
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Interview | Crafting a Story of Resilience with Dr. Kristin Beasley
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
WARNING: episode contains general references to childhood trauma and abuse. | Goodness this was an amazing conversation with the wise and kind “Dr. B.” Dr. B is a clinical psychologist specializing in early childhood development. Dr. B’s insights on story in early childhood, resilience, and ACEs [adverse childhood experiences]
7:00 - Dr. B explains her work.
10:00 - How are our stories built in early childhood?
11:55 - Quick overview of the 10 ACEs [adverse childhood experiences]
15:20 - What happens in adulthood when people experience ACEs in childhood?
20:30 - The “still face experiment” with infants
26:00 - How does personality develop?
33:55 - How do we parent/uncle kids with this knowledge? “Shared conversations in appropriate ways.”
41:25 - How to build a coherent narrative
47:45 - Implicit vs. explicit memory “Ghosts in the nursery”
58:00 - Resilience - the story of triumph over trauma
Dr. B’s Website - Leave a Lifeprint Academy - https://www.drbconnections.com/
Check out Dr. B’s podcast with Creek “Delusional Optimism” wherever you listen to podcast
A Kid’s Company About - https://akidsco.com/
Fathoms | An Enneagram Podcast: “Discovering our inner depths, one fathom at a time.”
Co-hosts: Seth Abram, Seth Creekmore, Drew Moser
Production/Editing: Seth Creekmore
- Follow us on Instagram: @fathoms.enneagram
- Follow Abram: @integratedenneagram
- Follow Creek: @creekmoremusic
- Follow Drew: @typetrailenneagram